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ACTUAL EXCHANGE RATE CMKB: 15.7.2024 EE NN 1R SSD CZ 2025 2.518 CZK/MWh >       15.7.2024 EE VN 1R SSD CZ 2025 2.540 CZK/MWh >       15.7.2024 ZP MO 1R SSD CZ 2025 1.090 CZK/MWh <       15.7.2024 PHM MON D CZ 2024 20.61 CZK/litr >       28.6.2024 ZP VO 1R SSD CZ 2025 1.055 CZK/MWh >        ACTUAL EXCHANGE RATE ČNB: 16.7.2024     USD 23,314     EUR 25,425     

Exchange Chamber

The Exchange Chamber is the statutory and controlling body of the exchange. The Exchange Chamber decides about all matters of the exchange, provided they are not commissioned tu a general meeting by law, or statute. Each Exchange meber has one vote.

The Exchange Chamber of the Czech Moravian Commodity Exchange is comprised of 9 members, of which 6 members are elected and 3 are appointed into function by the state.

List of the members of the Exchange Chamber

Elected Exchange Chamber members
Čermák Jaromír
Kubíček Tomáš
Rudolf Petr
Sochor Miroslav
Štorkán Pavel

Members of the Exchange Chamber appointed by the State
Fiřt Josef
Kocour Jindřich
Wiesner Jan


Czech moravian commodity exchange Kladno
nám. Sítná 3127, 272 01 Kladno
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 312 818 040
e-mail: info@cmkbk.cz