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ACTUAL EXCHANGE RATE CMKB: 15.7.2024 EE NN 1R SSD CZ 2025 2.518 CZK/MWh >       15.7.2024 EE VN 1R SSD CZ 2025 2.540 CZK/MWh >       15.7.2024 ZP MO 1R SSD CZ 2025 1.090 CZK/MWh <       15.7.2024 PHM MON D CZ 2024 20.61 CZK/litr >       28.6.2024 ZP VO 1R SSD CZ 2025 1.055 CZK/MWh >        ACTUAL EXCHANGE RATE ČNB: 16.7.2024     USD 23,314     EUR 25,425     

Head Office

Head Office of the Czech Moravian Commodity Exchange Kladno:



náměstí Sítná 3127
272 01 Kladno Czech republic
GPS = 50°8’7.552″N, 14°6’12.099″E

IČ: 49546392

VAT: CZ49546392

Czech Moravian Commodity Exchange Kladno is placed on the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, column A, file 12436.

tel.: +420 312 818 040+420 725 833 786
fax: +420 312 818 049




Czech moravian commodity exchange Kladno
nám. Sítná 3127, 272 01 Kladno
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 312 818 040
e-mail: info@cmkbk.cz